September's Migration Tale 10-2-23

October 02, 2023  •  Leave a Comment

September - slow but sure this year, 

ending with a Super Harvest Moon that brought in a 'really interesting bird'.


9-20-23 Chestnut-sided Warblers9-20-23 Chestnut-sided Warblers

Two immature Chestnut-sided Warblers discuss the yummy dogwood berries.

9-21-23 Two Ruby-throated Hummingbirds spar9-21-23 Two Ruby-throated Hummingbirds spar

Two immature Ruby-throats argue over rights to the feeder.


9-23-23 Black-throated Green Warbler in cover of Smooth Hydrangea9-23-23 Black-throated Green Warbler in cover of Smooth Hydrangea

A Black-throated Green Warbler takes cover in the Smooth Hydrangeas while preening after a bath.

  9-23-23 Magnolia Warbler9-23-23 Magnolia Warbler

This Magnolia Warbler still has remnants of its black necklace.

  9-24-23 Yellow-rumped Warbler with Crane Fly9-24-23 Yellow-rumped Warbler with Crane Fly

Crane fly for breakfast, anyone? This Yellow-rumped Warbler thought so.

9-24-23 Carolina Chickadee and Bay-breasted Warbler9-24-23 Carolina Chickadee and Bay-breasted Warbler

The Carolina Chickadee's job is to show the visiting migrants, like this Bay-breasted Warbler, how to really take a bath!


9-26-23 Wilson's, Magnolia, Nashville, Black-throated Green Warblers and Carolina Chickadee9-26-23 Wilson's, Magnolia, Nashville, Black-throated Green Warblers and Carolina Chickadee

A class of four pay attention to this lesson, Wilson's, Magnolia, Nashville and Black-throated Green Warblers.


9-26-23 Chestnut-sided, Black-throated Green and Wilson's Warblers9-26-23 Chestnut-sided, Black-throated Green and Wilson's Warblers

And, they're off! Chestnut-sided, Black-throated Green and Wilson's Warblers have at it. The longer they stay, undisturbed by humans, larger birds or animals, the more comfortable they become. 


9-28-23 Chestnut-sided and Tennessee Warblers9-28-23 Chestnut-sided and Tennessee Warblers

Chestnut-sided and Tennessee Warblers survey the bubbler area and wait for a turn.


9-29-23 Common Yellowthroat female9-29-23 Common Yellowthroat female

A female Common Yellowthroat tucks into a quiet corner.


9-30-23 Black-throated Green Warbler9-30-23 Black-throated Green Warbler 9-30-23 Black-throated Green Warbler9-30-23 Black-throated Green Warbler

A Black-throated Green Warbler still in breeding plumage, graced us with its presence on Saturday, 9-30-23. What a looker!


9-30-23 Blue-headed Vireo9-30-23 Blue-headed Vireo 9-30-23 Blue-headed Vireo9-30-23 Blue-headed Vireo 9-30-23 Blue-headed Vireo9-30-23 Blue-headed Vireo

A determined Blue-headed Vireo did its careful calculations and splash-bathed in the basin. This is always an amazing skill to watch!

  9-30-23 Golden-winged Warbler9-30-23 Golden-winged Warbler

Oh, a male Golden-winged stopped by the bubbler. Only females had been seen this spring, when so many males flew over, racing to the breeding grounds. What a thrill to see it, our most endangered species here.


9-29-23 Yellow-billed Cuckoo9-29-23 Yellow-billed Cuckoo

Another Yellow-billed Cuckoo dropped in, and this must be an adult. The yellow mandible and orbital ring are visible. 


9-29-23 Tanager species9-29-23 Tanager species

The Harvest Moon, the last Super Moon of the year occurred early in the morning on Friday, 9-29-23, This bird came to the Blackhaw Viburnum right next to the bubbler basin that afternoon, about 4:40 pm. Birds were popping out all around the bubbler, American Robins, Eastern Bluebirds, a few warblers and I'm not sure what else because I locked onto this bird.

"WHAT IS THIS BIRD? I DO NOT KNOW THIS BIRD!" I did not recognize it as one I had ever seen. Yes, it looked to be in the Tanager group. But the photos I was able to get spanned only 22 seconds before it flew. It could not get comfortable with all the birds popping in and out. This was the best photo I could manage, the bird did not perch on an open branch. BIG Sigh...a clearer photo of details was needed.

It was obviously a young bird, see the yellowish gape at the base of the bill? But, what species? That question remains, I had my suspicions and pursued possibilities. Comments included, "You nailed it!" "What about that color?" "I've never seen that plumage, either." "That's a pretty dang big bill." "There's a lot of gray in that cheek."

I will keep you posted. Experts are being consulted, photos being sent around, no clear consensus as yet. This may take some time. We "continue to hold", as directed. 


Photos since 9/19/23


Happy October!









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