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Created 4-Jan-16
272 photos

Yellow-rumped Warbler at the pond 1/4/16Yellow-rumped Warbler at the pond 1/4/16Yellow-rumped Warbler at the pond 1/4/16Yellow-rumped Warbler 1/21/16Yellow-rumped Warbler at the bark butter log 1/22/16Yellow-rumped Warbler 4-19-16Yellow-rumped Warbler 4-19-16Yellow-rumped Warbler 4-19-16Orange-crowned Warbler 4-19-16Orange-crowned Warbler with caterpillar on Blackhaw Viburnum 4-19-16Orange-crowned Warbler 4-19-16Northern Waterthrush 4-20-16Northern Waterthrush 4-20-16Northern Waterthrush 4-20-16Tennessee Warbler on Gooseberry (Ribes missouriense) 4-21-16Yellow-rumped and Tennessee Warblers 4-21-16Yellow-rumped Warbler on American Elm (Ulmus americana)  4-21-16Yellow-rumped Warbler 4-21-16Yellow-rumped Warbler 4-22-16Yellow-rumped Warblers 4-22-16

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