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Created 3-Jan-17
1789 photos, 2 videos

1-1-17 European Starling1-1-17 White-throated Sparrow with larva from log1-2-17 House Finch1-2-17 Northern Cardinal female1-2-17 Northern Cardinal female1-2-17 Northern Cardinal female1-2-17 Northern Cardinal female1-2-17 Brown Creeper1-3-17 White-breasted Nuthatch1-3-17 American Goldfinch in winter plumage1-3-17 House Finches and Northern Cardinal1-3-17 Northern Cardinal - the wind is picking up1-3-17 Brown Creeper after bark butter on Black Oak (Quercus palustris)1-3-17 Rusty Blackbird1-3-17 Downy WoodpeckerNorthern Flicker female 1-4-17Northern Flicker female 1-4-17Northern Flicker female 1-4-17Northern Flicker female 1-4-17Northern Flicker female 1-4-17

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Guestbook for 2017 Birds at Shady Oaks
Karin Pelton(non-registered)
I love your yard and you have a nice variety of birds!! Thanks for sharing it with us.
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