11-22-24 November's parade

November 22, 2024  •  Leave a Comment

November has been slow to cool down. Drippy days turned to gusty ones.

Annuals have been removed from their pots and the last bright colors of fall natives are fading.

It really looks like November!

11-9-24 Raindrops on cypress fronds11-9-24 Raindrops on cypress fronds

Bald Cypress fronds guide the raindrops on a brisk morning.


11-17-24 Fuchsia Gartenmeister11-17-24 Fuchsia Gartenmeister

11-18-24 Geranium maculatum Cranesbill11-18-24 Geranium maculatum Cranesbill

Bright coral trumpets of Fuchsia x "Gartenmeister" were still blooming this past week. Scarlet leaves of the native Cranesbill (Geranium maculatum) were on fire in mid-morning sun. 


11-9-24 House Finch, Chickadee, Northern Cardinal11-9-24 House Finch, Chickadee, Northern Cardinal

11-92-4 FOS Red-winged Blackbirds11-92-4 FOS Red-winged Blackbirds 11-92-4 FOS Red-winged Blackbirds11-92-4 FOS Red-winged Blackbirds

House Finches, Chickadees and Cardinals were soon joined by Red-winged Blackbirds at the feeders, flaring their epaulets.


11-9-24 American Robin, Cedar Waxwings11-9-24 American Robin, Cedar Waxwings

Cedar Waxwings have been dropping in briefly at the bubbler before being chased by robins.

  11-9-24 American Robin11-9-24 American Robin 11-11-24 Northern Flicker and American Robin11-11-24 Northern Flicker and American Robin 11-11-24 Northern Flicker and American Robin11-11-24 Northern Flicker and American Robin 11-11-24 Northern Flicker and American Robin11-11-24 Northern Flicker and American Robin

Robins have come in for water despite being chased by the Northern Flicker!

  11-14-24 Red-winged Blackbird and American Robin11-14-24 Red-winged Blackbird and American Robin

And Red-winged Blackbirds had to get in on the action.

  11-10-24 American Goldfinch and Dark-eyed Junco11-10-24 American Goldfinch and Dark-eyed Junco 11-10-24 Carolina Wren11-10-24 Carolina Wren 11-10-24 Carolina Wren11-10-24 Carolina Wren

In quieter moments, American Goldfinches, Dark-eyed Juncos and Carolina Wrens take a turn.

  11-10-24 Northern Cardinal female11-10-24 Northern Cardinal female 11-11-24 Tufted Titmouse11-11-24 Tufted Titmouse

Crested beauties like the female Northern Cardinal and Tufted Titmouse also bask in late afternoon sun.


11-8-24 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, immature11-8-24 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, immature 11-9-24 Brown Creeper11-9-24 Brown Creeper

Clinging birds forage for food in the bark, like the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker and smaller Brown Creeper.

  11-9-24 Eastern Bluebird11-9-24 Eastern Bluebird 11-18-24 American Robin at American Beautyberry11-18-24 American Robin at American Beautyberry 11-18-24 American Robin at Deciduous Holly11-18-24 American Robin at Deciduous Holly 11-18-24 American Robin at Deciduous Holly11-18-24 American Robin at Deciduous Holly

Thrushes like the Eastern Bluebird and American Robins have been eating the Beautyberries and deciduous holly berries. Getting a berry  can be a tricky balancing act! 


The parade of deer have been captured on our Stealth Cam out by the garden. November is the season of the rut, when bucks are out and about, stamping their hooves and making their presence known to other males. They tangle with each other, and winners breed with the does. Be careful out there!


Mid-November 2024

11-21-24 Cedar Waxwing11-21-24 Cedar Waxwing The candles are lit in our windows each evening to brighten the coming winter nights.

Winter Solstice falls on December 21, 2024. 


As we look forward to time with family and friends,

we remember those who've gone before us and wish you all a...



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