10-7-24 September into October

October 07, 2024  •  Leave a Comment


Leaves are changing, beginning to drop and birds have been dropping in!

Here are some of the highlights.


9-23-24 Cooper's hawk with Northern Cardinal9-23-24 Cooper's hawk with Northern Cardinal

Cooper's Hawks have been making the birds very jittery for weeks, with good reason. It looks like this one took a Northern Cardinal. Everybody's gotta eat!


9-24-24 Rose-breasted Grosbeak female and first fall male9-24-24 Rose-breasted Grosbeak female and first fall male

A first fall male and female Rose-breasted Grosbeak pair came to the bubbler on  9-24-24.


9-26-24 Nashville Warbler9-26-24 Nashville Warbler
Nashville Warblers also arrived the last week of September.

9-26-24 Northern Waterthrush9-26-24 Northern Waterthrush

Northern Waterthrush have been regulars through the first of October.


9-29-24 Brown Thrasher9-29-24 Brown Thrasher

A Brown Thrasher really went for the bubble!


10-3-24 Common Yellowthroat, first fall male10-3-24 Common Yellowthroat, first fall male

10-3-24 Common Yellowthroat, first fall male10-3-24 Common Yellowthroat, first fall male

A first fall Common Yellowthroat played hide-and-seek in the Pickerel Weed in the pond while it bathed. It finally came out and perched briefly on Jewelweed for a good look.


10-4-24 Blackburnian Warbler10-4-24 Blackburnian Warbler

On 10-4--24, a Blackburnian Warbler was first seen at the pond. Then, it zipped around to the bubbler to bathe.


10-4-24 Black-throated Green Warbler10-4-24 Black-throated Green Warbler

Black-throated Green Warblers have been the most numerous of the migrants lately.


10-4-24 Tennessee Warbler10-4-24 Tennessee Warbler

Not sure why, but Tennessee Warblers have come in much later than usual for our yard. In 2022, I photographed two in late July, a new record for Missouri. This year? They did not show up until 10-3-24.


10-5-24 American Robin at Winterberry (Ilex verticillata x Red Sprite)10-5-24 American Robin at Winterberry (Ilex verticillata x Red Sprite)

American Robins have been devouring the Winterberries (Ilex verticillata x Red Sprite).  Because of the early rains and good pollination this year, these shrubs have produced more berries than usual.

10-5-24 FOS Brown Creeper10-5-24 FOS Brown Creeper

Our first of fall Brown Creeper has arrived!

10-5-24 Bay-breasted, Tennessee and Nashville Warblers with chickadee10-5-24 Bay-breasted, Tennessee and Nashville Warblers with chickadee

There have only been a few times that several warbler species have been at the bubbler together. Here is a Bay-breasted, Tennessee and Nashville jumping in to join a chickadee.


10-6-24 Black-throated Green Warbler10-6-24 Black-throated Green Warbler

Black-thoated Green Warblers have also enjoyed bathing in the stream bed of the large pond.

  10-6-24 FOS Hermit Thrush10-6-24 FOS Hermit Thrush

The first of fall Hermit Thrush arrived on 10-6-24 and showed at the bubbler. 


10-6-24 FOS Yellow-rumped Warbler10-6-24 FOS Yellow-rumped Warbler

Another first of fall bird, this Yellow-rumped Warbler found tiny insects yesterday on an American Elm (Ulmus americana).


10-7-24 Ruby-crowned Kinglet10-7-24 Ruby-crowned Kinglet 10-7-24 FOS Golden-crowned Kinglet10-7-24 FOS Golden-crowned Kinglet

Both kinglets have been documented now for fall, the Ruby-crowned and today, the Golden-crowned. 


To all our readers, family and friends,

please stay safe in this hurricane season! 







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