Quiz answers first!
Thank you all for being patient, hope you had fun and did well!
5-2-22 Orange-crowned Warbler
1. Orange-crowned Warbler
5-4-22 Blue-winged and Golden-winged Warblers
2. Blue-winged Warbler, in front
3. Golden-winged Warbler, in back
5-3-22 FOY Magnolia Warbler, "tail dipped in ink"
4. Magnolia Warbler with "tail dipped in ink" which is diagnostic for this species
5-9-22 Blackburnian Warbler female
5. Blackburnian Warbler, female
5-11-22 Bay-breasted Warbler female
6. Bay-breasted Warbler, female
Now for the latest summer update...
6-10-22 Hairy Woodpeckers 6-12-22 Downy Woodpeckers
Nesters have been busy finding food for their fledglings. A Hairy Woodpecker teaches its young about suet and a Downy Woodpecker feeds hidden insect morsels to its offspring.
5-17-22 Eastern Beebalm (Monarda bradburiana)
5-17-22 Bumble Bee on Eastern Beebalm (Monarda bradburiana)
6-16-22 American Goldfinch female on Eastern Beebalm
6-16-22 American Goldfinch on Eastern Beebalm
American Goldfinches have been eating the seeds of Eastern Beebalm (Monarda bradburiana). It was in full bloom on 5-17-22. By not cutting back the spent blooms, the seeds feed the birds and help to enlarge the patch. This plant has done better here on a dry slope than anywhere else I've tried it. It attracts hummingbirds and other pollinators and also is a host plant to 9 different moth and butterfly species.
6-22-22 House Wren juvenile
6-16-22 Song Sparrow
6-18-22 Gray Catbird
From the young House Wren and Song Sparrow to larger birds like the Gray Catbird, traffic has been constant at our water features.
6-20-22 Northern Parula 6-20-22 Northern Parula 6-21-22 Northern Parula female
Northern Parula warblers have been at the pond and bubbler on several days now. I've heard the male singing the last couple weeks and I think they nest in the neighborhood, possibly high in a neighbor's sycamore. The last few years, they've been coming in for food and water in June.
6-22-22 Brown Thrasher 6-22-22 Brown Thrasher
Brown Thrashers have been seen almost daily, foraging and looking for a drink or bath.
6-22-22 Blue Jay 6-22-22 Blue Jay
6-20-22 American Robin 6-20-22 American Robins
Blue Jays and American Robins love to cool off, even if it means a confrontation to get their way.
6-19-22 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher preening
6-19-22 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher sunning
6-19-22 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher singing
6-21-22 Bubbler Bird #80 for 2022 - Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Blue-gray Gnatcatchers have been heard and seen a lot lately. One day, I noticed the female preening and the male apparently taking a dust bath in the garden. It's a behavior we've seen in species like hummingbirds, titmice and flycatchers. The male then flew into another small tree and began singing. The following day, I just caught the female as it bathed in the bubbler.
Interested in Adding Moving Water to your garden? Look at this page:
Simple Ways to Add Moving Water
If you'd like information about Bubbler Maintenance and more, check out this page:
Stay cool...